
The Namaqualand Challange.

When Dutchie called us up and said they were organsing a comp in Namaqualand, we thought oh jinne - this is going to gnarly. You see earlier this year, when Cyril closed the beaches - the only beaches left open were those in Namaqualand - so The Glory thought - what the hell, why not venture up there and see what it’s about. And damn was the place gnarly. Wind pumping, sun beating down on you like a fried piece of bacon and the waves - they were H-E-A-V-Y. Just before our departure , the wind and swell backed off enough for us to consider surfing, and we stumbled upon this banging left-hand point break...

Images: AVG

It looked 2-3ft from the beach, kinda playful and fun, but when we made the long kelpy paddle around the headline to where the point started, we realised our summations were way off; 6-foot solid. A combination of an Outerkom take-off with an Elands Bay-style running wall. And that Outerkom takeoff was brutal. Just a moody, kelpy ledge that beckoned you into a trip over the falls.

Anyway, click play and enjoy the Namakwa Challenge, presented by Billabong Adventure Division which was a WSL Speciality event held in the Northern Cape, South Africa in August.


5 Surfers We're Frothing on for SA Champs