5 Surfers We’re Frothing on for SA Champs

SA Junior Champs is a stone’s throw away. Here are 5 surfers we are quite

excited to watch surf.

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Here at The Glory, we froth on surfing, shortboarding, logging, FFFF, ballies, dare we say boogie boarding and of course we froth on gromsurfing. Groms’ surfing gets us particularly excited. It’s modern and unadulterated by the constrains of society, fast, loose and fun. 
Over the past week Lower Point has been filled to the brim with groms from all around the country preparing for the SA Junior Champs. We can’t wait to see what unfolds, but to feed fuel to your froth levels in the meantime, here are 5 Surfers we’re excited to see surf.

Cover image: Marishka Myers

1.) Louise Lepront

To be honest, we hadn’t heard of Louise Lepront until we did a 10 Questions with Sophie Bell (which you can view here). One of the questions we asked Sophie Bell was: What Young Surfer Should We Keep an Eye Our for? Without hesitation Sophie dropped a hammer on us: LouLou Lepront. Now we've never seen or heard of Louise Lepront, but if her IG profile is anything to go by… she shreds. 13 years young and busting fins like she’s James Brown.

2.) Zoe Steyn

Zoe Steyn has ruled every division she’s surfed in like Kim Jong-un reigns over North Korea. To have a podium in South Africa without Zoe Steyn on it would be like Jacob Zuma turning to a life of honesty and moral living. When sin takes hold there ain’t no turning back. Zoe recently surfed her way to a win at the Sea Harvest event in Cape Town and we’re sure as death and taxes that Steyn’s backhand is going to arrive at Lower Point swinging for the hills.
Someone call the homies at STAB high. Image: Menize Clark

Someone call the homies at STAB high. Image: Menize Clark

3.) Ntokozo Surprise

For some reason The Glory has crossed paths with Surprise frequently in the year of 2021. And whenever the Glory comes across Ntokozi, we’re pleasantly surprised by his surfing. Especially in small beach break conditions he’s like a powerful nugget of a human with an explosive back foot that will rip the lip of any wave.
Ntokozo boasts a neutral stance that’s not too dissimilar from our two fave goofy footers on tour, Italo and Gabby. It works for him; he transitions through the flats like a Hilux bakkie through sand and is as explosive as a scrabbler on a mountain trail.

4.) The Scotts

Sarah and Brad Scott come across as hard workers. They’ve decided they wanted to be good surfers and they’re willing to put in the hard yards to get there…and their collective investment has begun to pay dividends. The Scotts tend to spend quite a bit of time at Supertubes - often times Sarah will be the only female out there and she’ll be laying it down, like a female advocate in a power suit in front of a judge. Brad has developed this wonderful down-look before he goes into his bottom turns, kinda like Tom Curren used to do in the 80’s - and we freakin' dig it. Anything that makes us reminisce on Curren is fine with us.

The hard-working Scotts taking a lunch break.

The hard-working Scotts taking a lunch break.

If you’re the best, you’re the best.

If you’re the best, you’re the best.


5.) Connor Slijpen

 There was a contest in Slum Town not too long ago - the 2021 Sea Harvest Nahoon Junior Open of Surfing. Connor won both the U21 & U16 finals, surfing against a bunch of surfers that were far older than him in the U21 division. Conner has a certain cocky-ness to his surfing. An air of confidence. It reminded us of episode one of STAB High, when the presenters went around asking all the surfers who has the highest completion rate. Everyone mentioned someone else, except Mateus Herdy, who claimed himself. A bit arrogant, but the thing is, Mateus was right, he did have the highest make rate. He virtually landed every air he went for. Is it arrogant to tell the truth? If you’re the best, you’re the best.

Bonus Surfer: Luke Van Wyk

We dig this grom’s surfing. There’s a working class honesty about it. We know this plumber, who lives close to our house. He started his business with barely any tools and skadonk of a car. Now he has multiple employees, a couple of cars and owns a triple story house in J-Bay. Now we’re by no means saying Luke Van Wyk’s surfing reminds of plumbing, but rather how the plumber has taken a simple working class job and made a killing from it. He’s no Elon Musk - but who know’s maybe he’ll expand to St Francis, and then maybe Cape St Francis and who knows, maybe there’ll be a couple of his vans driving around Kommetjie soon.

SA Junior Champs | Day One


The Namaqualand Challenge