Yes, Lawd! It’s that time of year again, where the malls are awash with Christmas carols, Christmas decorations and pot-bellied bearded men dressed in red suits sitting on sleighs. What an absurd tradition! But as soon as we hear the first sounds of ‘Tis the season…’ at the local Pick n’ Pay, every surfer knows… It's Hawaii Time!! Yes please baby! Take me to the 7 Mile Miracle where the waves are heavy and drops are steep.
Here’s why you should calendarise the Michelob ULTRA Pure Gold Haleiwa Challenger (yes, we agree, it is a mouthful).

Here’s why we’re excited for Haleiwa!


The Final Event of The Challenger Series

It’s the final event of the Challenger Series! Can you believe it. Felt like yesterday, we were wondering if COVID would swallow the entire world forever. But here we are, last event of the Challenger Series and ready to graduate several excellent students on to the Championship Tour. We’re not 100% sure on the mathematics but we’re fairly certain that if you win the event, you have a pretty solid chance of graduating to the 2022 Championship Tour. So it’s going to be a scrap. People are going to fighting for their careers. For their livelihoods. For their sponsorships. And of course, for their wives! Best you schedule in a watch party.

Jadson Andre has shed a tear on the shores of Hawaii every year since we’ve met him.


Saffas Do Well in Hawaii

Historically, South Africans have done well in Hawaii. We don’t know what it is about our boys. But when the rubber hits the road and the surf escalates to that scary zone, our boys rise to the challenge like politicians to a 6-figure government tender. 

Remember, in 2019 when Beyrick absolutely smashed the lip off a 10ft Haleiwa wave like it was a 2ft New Pier rip bowl? Wow, it was a sight to behold. We were enjoying a braai watch party - and as Beyrick hit the lip, the gentleman sitting next to me got up and went to get himself another lamb chop, upon his return, Beyrick was still mid air drop, bringing that beast of a turn down like a madman from hell! Or should we say Netherlands? 

DVZ - the only non-Hawaiian to win the Vans Pro. And look at those three men he beat! Zeke Lau, Jack Robinson and Barron Mamamia.


In 2019 Matty McG Came Third

Matty has suffered a pretty bummer of a year on the Championship Tour. We’re not here to conjure up a bunch of excuses for McG’s slightly below par performances - but let’s be honest, some of those CT events got the calibre waves you would expect to find at a Western Province trial. (Not exactly Matty McG’s strong suit). You know those Western Province trials where it’s a howling North Westerly and you have to show up at Witsands to a glorified closeout. Who wins the heat? Well, that’s easy - the guy who gets the wave that doesn’t close out. We tune into the WSL to watch the world’s best surf the best waves, not some hopeless Australian beach break. Anyway, we’re ranting, but the waves sucked. Regardless, if Matty wins, (which is just two spots better than 2019) he’d be in a pretty damn solid spot for requalification. 

Haleiwa is a Dope Wave

The WSL has dragged us through a couple of shocking venues, and they’ve teased us with that Ultimate Surfer nonsense, but finally, as the year draws to a conclusion, we’re headed to a proper wave. A wave with power, with grunt, with an open face that’ll allow you to lay down a couple sledge hammer turns. Surfing is an expression and Haleiwa is an expressionist’s paradise. Hopefully, the forecast shapes up!
Much Love,
The Glory.

Enjoy here, the king of the North Shore spreading his wings at Haleiwa


The Lineup features Travis Logie


Shane Sykes European Tour