Day 4 of the Sea Harvest SA Junior Surfing Champs presented by SMTH Shapes and we were greeted by 4-foot dreamy runners peeling perfectly down the Lower Point lineup. The wind swung south later in the day, but that made the Lower Point canvas more conducive to a couple fins free maneuvers.

Here are three kids who impressed us on day 4 of competition.

Josh Van Wyk.

Josh Van Wyk.

Nathan Tayler
We started the morning off with the U12 boys. I don’t know if you remember being 12, but that was most probably a long long time ago - a time when you were far shorter in stature. The U12 boys are about the height of a medium-sized hound. Perhaps a Ridge Back or something similar. And the waves in the morning we’re pumping. Double overhead Lower Point reelers. The waves were Goliaths and the David's were the U12s. One particular David was Nathan Tayler from Ilembe. Young Nathan Tayler attacked those Lower Point walls like David attacked Goliath at The Valley of Elah. Dropping grom hammers and laying down deep carves. Nathan went for a lofty and daring double overhead floater on his one wave - when he arrived upon the lip, contest director Anne Wright stepped out the container to get herself a Flat White at the Ground Floor Cafe, when she returned from her purchase, Nathan Tayler was still in the air bringing down his huge floater. The judges deemed it an excellent ride and handed him an 8.63 for his efforts. 

Nathan Tayler attacked those Lower Point walls like David attacked Goliath at The Valley of Elah

Bathan Taylor

Bathan Taylor

Sarah Scott
We seem to be writing about Sarah Scott a lot. (that rhymes). Sorry about that. But we can’t help it. Her surfing is too good to ignore. It’s like trying to go to sleep at night when your neighbours are having a massive joll next door. Puuuuumping the music and playing Kaptein Span Die Seile by Kurt Darren on repeat. If the loud noise isn’t enough to keep you awake, the horrible taste in music will scare you for life. 

high lines so lovely it would’ve made Tom Curren transform himself into a wolf and start howling at the full moon.

Anyway the only similarity between the noisy neighbours and Sarah Scott’s surfing -is you can’t ignore it. Sarah managed a heat score total of 17.50 in her round 3 heat one of the highest of the event. And on one of her waves she did two of the most gorgeous high lines - high lines so lovely it would’ve made Tom Curren transform himself into a wolf and start howling at the full moon.
Sarah Scott

Sarah Scott

Luke Thompson
Imagine the contest ends, you go back to your Air BnB, you pack your things and head back to Cape Town. 7 hours into your journey your temperature gauge shoots into the red. If you continue driving you will surely kill your car. You have to stop. You’re in the middle of nowhere, two hours from Cape Town car fully packed, boards on the roof. Who do you call? Who will come out and tow your car and family to safety and 12am at night? Luke Thompson’s surfing is like that reliable friend of yours. That friend you can always trust. That friend you can call upon when all other mates ignore your call. His surfing is solid, refined and more reliable than a 1990's Toyota Hilux. You can always trust in Luke to get great waves and surf them well. Luke surfed in the most competitive heat of the day, where he faced off against James Ribbink, Brad Scott and Oliver Protheroe and he made it look like a cakewalk. You can always rely on Luke’s surfing to tow you home to safety when you find yourself alone in the wilderness.

You can always rely on Luke’s surfing to tow you home to safety when you find yourself alone in the wilderness.

Need a friend to tow you to safety? Luke’s your man.

Need a friend to tow you to safety? Luke’s your man.


SA Junior Champs | Finals Day


SA Junior Champs | Day Three