Fantasy Surfer | Dutchie’s Picks

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The Hurley Pro Sunset beach starts in under 48 hours and it’s high time you sort out those Fantasy Surfer picks. To help aid you in your decision making process we gave master shaper, all-around legend and Events Manager for WSL Africa - Mr Dutchie a call to see who he has in his team. Here are Dutchie's picks:
1.) John John Florence 
He is the most talented modern surfer of our era. He boasts an incredible carving game has an amazing read of the ocean and to top it off Hawaiian knowledge! 

2.)  Seth Moniz
Has Hawaiian knowledge, fantastic local support and is carrying momentum from Pipe. 

3.) Jordy Smith
Strongest carving frontside surfer on tour. His big frame suits the Sunset walls, and a previous victory at the spot will have his confidence sky-high! 

4.) Jack Robinson
The hottest young gun on tour at the moment! And already a master at Sunset with victory’s under his belt at the spot! 

5.) Joao Chianca 
New school of Brazilian chargers with great power and style suited for Sunset. Also carrying momentum from his Pipe result. 

6.)  Ezekele Lau 
The new Sunny with power and knowledge of Sunset, a hard core competitor that will be hard to beat out there. 

7.) Ethan Ewing
The best talent from Aus with a fundamental power rail game suited to Sunset. If he gets good waves he should do great. 

8.) Imaikalani deVault - A great talent from Maui and my wild card pic. He could impress in any conditions at any time. Laid back but a sleeping killer!

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